Courses, Information about courses, Learn & Work

Learn and Work

Enjoy nature in the bay of Fornells.

this program operates only in summer ( june to september)

look! … 2015 only May, June and September.

learn & work mapBed and breakfast for work + Intensive course of 2/3 hours everyday.

Very special intensive courses!!!

Groups of 5 to 12 people.
1 or 2 weeks.

15 hours per week………….315€
10 hours per week………… 210€

Free Bed and Breakfast
2 or 3 daily hours of spanish lessons
+ 4 daily hours of work experience in these activities :

Collecting and packing of salt.
Fields maintenance (pruning, cleaning ..)
Vegetable garden maintenance
Paintwork and woodwork
Horse Care
Visitor Guide

The rural house has 4 double rooms, two bathrooms, comunal kitchen and living room. The spanish lessons take place in the same premises. It is a 53 h property located in the big Bay of Fornells. Since 1853 it was partially devoted to the ‘flor de sal’ (an exquisite variety of marine salt). It is a protected area declared Natural Reserve.

Many other activities are available at the centre: Kayaks, bicycles, horse riding, and interesting guided walks whith an experienced ornithologist.

For more information get in touch!

Learn & Work, Places to go and see, Volunteering

Ven a la Isla del Rey

El lugar más emblemático del puerto de Mahón es  La «Illa de s’Hospital», o Isla del Rey , declarada Monumento Histórico Artístico Nacional en 1979.

Desde el puerto de Mahón puedes ir a la Isla del Rey en el Yellow Catamaran.  Haz la visita guiada  y participa en el desayuno con los voluntarios que acuden todos los domingos por la mañana.  (Aviso: intentarán convencerte de que te quedes a trabajar)

Desde 2004 el Hospital está siendo restaurado, cuidado y gestionado por la Fundación «Amics de l’Illa de l’Hospital» y los voluntarios de todas las nacionalidades que con poco dinero y gran humor han convertido varios espacios del edificio central en museo de material médico, sala de autopsias y biblioteca; recreado salas de enfermos, la farmacia, un jardín de hierbas medicinales, etc. y  en la capilla  protestante vuelven a hacer sonar música religiosa.

fachada hospital del rey
isla del rey 1

isla del rey 2

voluntario 2 isla del rey