
Felices vacaciones

Puedes preparar solo tu viaje a Menorca pero si crees que sería mejor con la ayuda de una agencia que te pueda descubrir nuevas ideas, buscar ofertas o facilitar la anulación de tus planes, te recomendamos que contactes con


Noviembre: clases en la terraza

¡Qué suerte!

¿Clases de español en la terraza? Sí, en Menorca tenemos un otoño maravilloso, increíble.
Buen profesor, buena temperatura, sol, un café… ¿ qué más se puede pedir para aprender español?


Entrevista en Roqueta Magazine. Abril 2020.

For those who live on or visit the island regularly, there is often a desire to be able to at least be polite by speaking some Spanish. But the fact remains that many do not get past the most basic stage.

We approached Queta of the Learn Spanish in Menorca language school, based in Mahón, to provide some guidance for budding linguists. This is her advice:

It is so important that people with a different native language make some effort to speak Spanish. Not only is it polite and will be well received, it will also allow you to get so much more out your time in Menorca.

In effect you are opening up a second world once you have the basics of Spanish: your existing English one, and a new and exciting Spanish one. It is like drawing back the curtains and seeing a new view, providing opportunities that you did not have before: the chance to meet new people, better understand the culture, and, importantly, feel good about yourself for having a go.

Many people often fret about how they should prepare for that first lesson. Learn 100 words beforehand, practice in the bar or restaurant, read some Spanish magazines. All of this is fine, but there is no real secret formula to be found in a text book.

Instead it is my strong belief that it is first and foremost an attitude thing. Come to that first lesson with a positive frame of mind, openminded and not worried about what you say, right or wrong. Come to learn and have fun. Be brave and look at it as the start of an adventure. No one minds mistakes if you are trying. Many fail before they come into the first lesson, as they arrive worried and with a closed attitude.

Yes, some people find it easier to learn a language than others. So what? Some learn to be able to swim or drive a car quicker than others. No one is a success or failure.

The overall piece of advice is that you must train like an Olympian: keep on going, training consistently. We don’t offer a miracle solution or the promise of a new language in 30 days. Instead what you will find is steady progress, one step at a time, or as they say in Spanish, poco a poco (little by little).

If you would like further information,

call Queta on 0034 648 977 612.


Online classes. Learn at your own pace

Learn Spanish in Menorca School
Your Spanish School in Menorca. Learn Spanish and enjoy speaking.

Nuevas posibilidades, nuevas experiencias

Hello! I’m Queta, your Spanish teacher online too
I live happily in Menorca but I can understand not all the people in the world can be so lucky. Now I go where you are!

Muchos de vosotros me habéis pedido poder continuar las clases después de las vacaciones en Menorca
Enjoy and don’t forget your Spanish!
Talking by Skype or FaceTime or Zoom is easy

Are you ready? Come on! 


2 de febrero 2019

Tarde de «crêpes» para celebrar el día de la Candela.

Con Elvira y mis amigos/alumnos bretones Pierrick y Elisabeth que organizaron una entrañable velada. He aprendido que es tradicional en Francia en esa fecha.
En España las crêpes se llaman » filloas» en Galicia y » frixuelos» en Asturias.



learn spanish school Menorca .png

Contenta de haberos conocido y enseñado español, ahora me voy de vacaciones durante tres semanas.

Nos veremos a partir del 16 de enero.


Cambio de local 2018

Esperamos que os guste vuestra nueva clase tanto como la anterior.

A partir de febrero de 2018 nos encontraréis en la bonita Plaza del Príncipe, en el número 5, 2º piso, oficina 16.
Es un elegante edificio muy cerca del Mercado del Carmen y del Mercado de Pescado.


learn spanish in Menorca Spanish School Menorca Baleares

A 300 m. podréis dejar el coche en el aparcamiento de Sinia des Cuc ( muy barato) o a 50 m. en el aparcamiento de la Plaza de Miranda.

Captura de pantalla 2018-01-30 a las 21.01.31


Buenas ideas para 2017


Bienvenidos a un nuevo año lleno de oportunidades y desafíos.

Yo me propongo esto pero mejorando
mi inglés… y algunas cosas más.